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  • Hotline Hotline:0351-7553817


    Material Support: Support authorization plaque, all kinds of material copies of qualifications, exhibition stands, brochures, product manuals!
    Support: 1-2 dispatch elite sales support staff in store 2-3 days (advance request)!
    Training Support: Headquarters will send experts to the annual national tour training, covering the markets, products, sales, operations, and services such as full content!
    Consultant Support: perennial professionals and other business and management consulting services for partners!
    Promotional support: organized every year unified and effective promotional activities to help agents boost sales!
    Logistics support: a unified national system of rapid picking picking!
    Rebate support: the maximum annual rebate of 10%!

    All rights reserved Powered by DedeCMS(www.dedecms.com)    Jin ICP Bei no.12006744

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